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Celebrating 400 years of the telescope

"It's exactly 400 years since the Jacobean scientist and draftsman Thomas Harriot first turned his "Dutch Trunke" to the night sky to make a series of observations and drawings of the moon."

Category: Space


Telescopes: Chandra's first decade

"Deployed by the space shuttle on 23 July 1999, the Chandra telescope is Nasa's flagship mission exploring the realms of X-ray astronomy."

Category: Space


Clouds in climate 'vicious cycle'

"Clouds over the North-East Pacific dissipate as the ocean warms, according to a study in the journal Science. Researchers have described this as a "vicious cycle" of warming, as reduced cloud cover allows more of the Sun's rays...

Category: Climate Change


Hubble pictures Jupiter's 'scar'

"Hubble has trained its new camera on the atmospheric disturbance on Jupiter believed to have been caused by a comet or asteroid impact."

Category: Space


Climate change pact 'needs' China

"UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said there can be no global climate change deal without China's support."

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1081 to 1085 out of 2977